Visual Art

Toi Kitea

Students develop foundational skills in artistic techniques while honing their ability to conve personal narratives and ideas through visual means. The curriculum often includes art history studies, exposing students to diverse artistic movements and styles.

Draw like Leonardo, explore etchings and creative photography and what art was like in the 60's.

Much of your senior level art practice will be self-directed as you work through documenting (creative process) of a body of work. As you work you will be recording different methods and using different skills in wet and dry media. You will also be producing a finished piece of work to a high standard that demonstrates your skill (appropriate to cultural conventions).

Future learning and careers with
Visual Art
  • Graphic Designer
  • Marketing Specialist
  • Web Developer
  • Photographer
  • Interior Designer
  • Fashion Designer

I love my job and the environment I work in (Opihi College). I accidently fell into teaching by mistake! But I made a pledge that I would keep teaching if I changed a student's view on their education. And here I am at 21 years and still going strong.

Eric Peters
Visual Art
Where we teach
Visual Art



All aspects of practical learning.

Recently renovated and cleverly designed to maximise a light and airy indoor/outdoor balance, our Technology buildings share open air patio spaces between the purpose designed classrooms.

Visual Art

Events & Activites

Aoraki Girls Badminton
11am - 3pm
Aoraki Girls Badminton
11am - 3pm
Aoraki Girls Badminton
11am - 3pm
View School Calendar

Enrol Today

Whakauru i tenei ra
Start enrolment
Hononga Tere