Our School

To tatou Kura

Our unique college

To tatou kāreti ahurei

A community school with a bespoke modern curriculum in a stunning rural setting.

Opihi College is one of a kind, your place to grow as an individual, supported by warm teaching staff who will mentor you, and help you navigate your journey through secondary education.

Students are welcomed into the Opihi College family and are introduced to a wide curriculum in the junior school. These years form the foundation for learning at Opihi College. Our school day is structured around whānau time where students meet in small classes with mentor teachers who guide them through many of the issues that affect personal wellbeing, and support them in their personal growth.

Principal's message

Te karere a te tumuaki

At Opihi College we place an emphasis upon our values - Community, Acceptance, Respect and Excellence - and we celebrate student success for those who demonstrate each of these values.

Our students wear their C.A.R.E. badges with pride in knowing that they have contributed to both their personal mana and the mana of our school.

Kirsten Stevens
Meet the team
Our Facilities


Whare kōrero - our learning place.

Our whare is the hub of Māori culture and practice within our school.

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Whakauru i tenei ra
Start enrolment

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Hononga Tere